Rid yourself of the default editor in substitution for one of these far superior integrated development environments (IDEs) and your code will be pleased.

Python is responsible for powering many of the most complex server-side frameworks and web applications used in today’s world.

As a language, Python is extensively utilized with its abundance of libraries. These work to support engineers in scientific research, robotics, artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML), and programming in general.

If you happen to be a frequent user of the language, you will almost certainly have realized the depth of importance of a proper IDE.

By definition, IDEs are glorified text editors used primarily for programming/code scripts with a plethora of built-in tools that allow for effective and efficient software development.

#1 PyDev
#2 PyCharm
#3 Sublime Text
#4 Visual Studio Code
#5 Vim
#6 Emacs
#7 Atom IDE
#8 Python IDLE
#9 Spyder
#10 Thonny

1. PyDev

Source: PyDev

PyDev is available within the Eclipse suite as a plugin extension. Aside from vanilla Python, developers also have the ability to work with JythonCPython, and IronPython.

Fortunately, PyDev is bundled with extensive documentation for the bootstrapping of the language for beginners. Its analysis capabilities with PyLint-integrated code and graphical debugging features are an immense leg-up for testing erroneous code blocks.

The nifty type hinting and code completion features, should a developer decide to keep those on, masterfully accelerate the process of recalling and learning syntax on the fly.

Furthermore, PyDev includes remote debugging that allows testing to take place outside of Eclipse.

2. PyCharm

Source: JetBrains

A flagship product of major tech corp JetBrains, this IDE provides a beautiful, color-coded aesthetic for quickly spotting bugs, syntax errors, and other entities.

The editor ensures all projects have the correct configuration, and it’s packed with every kind of tool needed to assist in analysis, debugging, and testing.

Similarly, PyCharm provides a list of fantastic integration tools including but not limited to AnacondaWakaTimePyLint, and Kite that sufficiently leverage the language’s capabilities for data science.

Offering support across multiple platforms, this IDE works with Python 2.x and 3.x syntax using intelligent suggestions to assist in speeding up coding sessions whilst minimizing errors and mistakes.

The PyTest integration makes it simple to couple testing right alongside development.

3. Sublime Text

Source: Stack Overflow

This IDE is feature-packed with extremely intuitive auto-completion that is context-aware, complete with syntax definition and error-finding capabilities. Moreover, it’s famous for low memory usage.

It has an updated Python API that provides support for backwards compatibility when attempting to implement older packages. Lastly, it uses multi-tab selection, sidebars, and split windows to help render and manage larger-sized projects.

For example, new GPU rendering allows for visually appealing code-blocks that scale to as high as 8K resolution as of the time of this writing.

Sublime Text allows provides native code support for Python on platform builds of Linux ARM64Apple Silicon, and Raspberry Pi.

4. Visual Studio Code

Source: Microsoft

Regardless of the language, most of the time, the vast majority of Windows users swear by Visual Studio Code. Its ease of integration with both Flask and Django frameworks skyrocketed its popularity amongst developers in recent years.

Visual Studio Code delivers user access to a wide gamut of libraries oriented towards Python with the ability to add more externally. PyPl and pip allow for the simple management of project dependencies.

There also exist multiple interpreters based on the specific needs of your project. Try emulating a Linux environment on a Windows subsystem — all with the help of a Python extension.

Visual Studio also impresses newcomers with an IDE that is enriched with code snippets, tooltip suggestions, and auto-completion for Python.

5. Vim

Source: Real Python

What began as an open-source Unix editor is now enjoying high status as a stable Python editor. Vim enables GUI and CUI-based programming at the same time.

The environment delivers auto-completion for syntax, debugging facilities, and efficient refactoring. Additionally, it includes splits and buffers to expedite programming across multiple tabs whilst using code-folding to condense lengthy blocks of code.

6. Emacs

Source: Wikipedia

A dedicated mode for Python can be used for this IDE licensed under GNUEmacs highlights constants, variables, and syntax all in contrasting colors to let end-users distinguish in code-blocks that are heavily congested.

The facilitation of auto-indentation neatly organizes statements and makes code well-defined and structured. An extensive system for shell support allows for packages, interaction, virtualenv, and completion. Many popular packages like ElpySpacemacs, and Doom are provided as well.

Language Server Protocol packages include Palantir’ PythonMicrosoft Pyright, and Jedi.

7. Atom IDE

Source: Tutorialzine

Featuring a dedicated compiler for Python, Atom is an open-source editor with support for Python language extensions through the server. The packages in Atom are community-maintained and its packages extend the capabilities of Python as they are created and maintained by the community.

Rope and Jedi are included in the Atom IDE to assist with renaming, completions, references, definitions, and symbols. Moreover, it comes bundled with YAPF for the formatting of code, McCabe Linter to check for complexities, PyLint and Pyflakes to detect errors, and Pydocstyle to style check docstrings.

Finally, Atom provides full integration with GitHub, interoperability, and built-in management for packages.

8. Python IDLE

Source: Real Python

Unlike the other IDEs mentioned previously, Python-IDLE is a bare-bones development suite included with every installation of Python and offers support for cross-platform development.

It packs a very efficient shell in addition to code completion, highlighting, and auto-indentation amongst many others.

This suite was created using the Tkinter GUI toolkit. The debugger deserves special recognition for persistent breakpoints, local and global namespace viewing, as well as stepping functions.

Moreover, the debugger lets developers line-jump straight to errors for rapid debugging. With its built-in stack viewer, you are able to trace the error its the last stack occurrence.

9. Spyder

Source: Spyder

If you desire an IDE that is built for scientific Python programming, Spyder represents the best choice possible. Its cross-platform, open-source IDE was explicitly created for analysts, scientists, and data engineers.

The rich editor permits the user to operate across multiple languages, complete with a world-class variable explorer and an IPython console to program GUIs.

Developers can find numerous plugins here to support any functionality like NotebookUnittest, and Terminal. For beginners, it is able to simplify debugging advanced code blocks.

10. Thonny

Source: Thonny

Tailored specifically towards beginners, Thonny is a well-designed IDE of choice. A large array of customization meshes well with the various versions of Python it supports.

The IDE, which is GUI-based, comes with several default packages with the option to add more as necessary. Numerous helpful shell commands allow for the hassle-free insertion of variables. A fluid debugger simplifies testing with keyboard shortcuts.

Thonny boosts one’s ability to learn Python with the evaluation of expressions. You are able to grasp fundamental concepts like APIs and function calling through the interface.