The pandemic has presented the offer of the digital nomad life to anyone with a computer, regardless of your current 9–5.

The Great Resignation, a growing trend in which millions of employed 401k college graduated workers around the globe are quitting their full-time jobs in spades, has introduced numerous methods to make a living as a freelancer.

Benefits of Freelancing

Although many still operate under the belief that this is impossible given the unpredictability of income on a monthly basis, freelancing poses a multitude of benefits. If you have the ability to be your own boss, work from home, or basically anywhere, why not try to escape the traditional cube farm environment?

Set your own hours and work with a flexible schedule, all at your own specified rate of pay.

Yes, there’s Fiverr. And yes, there’s Upwork. And yes, you can just go ahead, make your own website, and try to market your products/services with costly social media advertising.

But there now exists a new option. Meet UJober.

Source: UJober

Possessing a similar user interface and layout with functionality that nearly mirrors that of Fiverr, UJober is a recent platform based in the United States that allows virtually anyone to create an account on the website to begin searching for freelance work.

Clients are able to search for jobs based on cost, location, and proficiency. Users are able to provide their experience and skills to not just companies in need of help, but also everyday people. It’s another way to establish a reputation and earn more income which is necessary for the majority in today’s economy.

Setting Itself Apart

The key benefit to creating an account on this platform in comparison to existing alternatives is the simple fact that it’s new. New-new, as in, it just dropped a few months ago. That means less competition, less saturation, and a far easier pathway to rise to the stop (by starting at the ground level with them, where it all began). Having prior experience in any meaningful endeavor with respect to digital services allows you to exist as a big fish in a small pond.

Still, another unique feature of the platform includes the opportunity for sellers to offer potential customers coupons. This is a remarkable way for new sellers to entice the use of their services and establish their initial set of verified positive reviews. Like Fiverr, the app can be installed directly onto your mobile device, or simply be used as a website in your browser.