Many operate under the belief that divorce, or the termination of a marriage, is primarily catalyzed by cheating and sexual infidelity. Despite being an atrocious behavior that typically causes irreparable psychological damage to one’s self-esteem, reasons for such...
While often referred to by the synonymous alias of pure democracy, direct democracy is defined as a form of government in which the people decide via a universal consensus taken by individual vote on policy initiatives. This is relatively opposed to the more standard...
By definition, Brexit is a term created as a portmanteau of the phrase “British exit” which represents the United Kingdom’s (UK) withdrawal from the European Union (EU) taking place on the final day of January 2020. After a 47 year-long membership, the UK is the first...
What is the overall purpose/direction behind personality? Heavily emphasizing “the role of unconscious psychological conflicts in shaping behavior and personality”, the dynamic between these critical parts of the thinking mind are theorized to progress through no more...