Regardless of the pandemic, parties can prove hazardous — including and especially for clothes. From spilled drinks to secondhand smoke to crowded dancefloors, many experts are offering the proper ways to tend to an outfit after the conclusion of the revelry.

A Breath of Air

According to Melbourne Fashion Festival Program Director Chloe Naughton, the worst thing one can do is discard whatever one is wearing and toss it on the floor. Instead, leave it on some sort of flat surface or hang it prior to putting it in the correct compartment. For those especially inclined, it helps to provide a brief steam for each outfit prior to this.

When she returns home for the night, the construction and fabric of the garment are what determine whether the item gets hung up or laid down due to the fact that certain materials such as heavy cotton and knits can be accidentally stretched from hanging.

This is of even greater importance if any form of secondhand smoke has stained the clothes. Keep them away from clean apparel and hang them outside the existing wardrobe. Use fabric freshener or take it directly to the dry cleaners.

Fight Stains at Point-Blank

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If any deep penetrating liquid like wine has spilled on your attire, the fastest and most ideal solution is to douse the stain in sparkling water to flush it out. This allows it to break down and prevent thread embedding. However, in the event that the fabric is of delicate material such as silk, it should simply be taken to the dry cleaners.

Any kind of oil that makes its way onto pants or a shirt should be washed out immediately with hand soap and lukewarm water. Fortunately, this can be found in any nearby bathroom.

For stains that aren’t visible until the end of a given night, the stains can soften via cool soak and then pass through a hot rinse of any temperature exceeding 140°F, according to laundry consultant Steve Anderton. This is recommended when the stains are fresh. If they persist, it is best to use a dedicated stain remover such as premium detergents that contain emulsifying agents and biological enzymes.

Be Mindful of Fabric

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Furthermore, Anderton has stated that garments built with nylon or polyester are extremely attracted to oils and fats, including human perspiration. If they have been worn on by a highly active participant of the dancefloor, the detergent works to break the bond. Thermoplastics like polyester don’t react well to excessive heat, so it’s better to skip the hot rinse on those items.

If it’s a truly hot day in the summer and she knows she will be attending an outdoor party, Naughton opts for breathable fabrics like cotton or linen. This is due to the fact that such fabrics allow the body to breathe and are far more comfortable.

About Those Dry Cleaners

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When making the decision to take your stained apparel to the dry cleaners, go for the ones that promote eco-friendly cleaning. These individuals tend to prioritize the delicate fabrics which generally require the treatment of a professional in the majority of circumstances. It is also critical to remember that despite silk appearing in a decent state 24 hours after a party, the stains from deodorant and perspiration will damage fabric over time; leaving scars much later on.